Coco, 29

About Coco, the Polish Girl from Kielce

It's hard to describe myself, but as my friends describe me I am open-minded person with some happy view of life. I see the world with many different colours. So I like yellow cause it reminds me of summer, and I like white, when it's snowing outside.I love skiing, that's why I choose white. The green one is reserved for the grass and thousend of forget-me-not flowers. but red?who will guess? Some part of this colour describes my temperament.
Photo of 'Coco', Polish Woman, seeking men from abroad, lives in Poland  Kielce
I live in:
Kielce, Poland
I think I'm attractive
Hair color:
Dark blond
Medium & Wavy
Eye color:
Wear sometimes
I have 1 or 2
No piercing
Marital status:
Do not have any
More children:
I really would like to have some
My job:
University Graduate
Smoking habits:
I do not smoke at all
Won't say no
Spare time:
Do some sports
I'm just myself
Love is...:
It's the sense of life
Infidelity is...:
Unforgiven mistake
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