Atrakcyjna, wykształcona, zaradna, lubiąca dzieci. Pragnę poznać odpowiedniego mężczyznę z którym mogłabym założyć rodzinę.
Mówię po polsku, angielsku i niemiecku.
Italian women are known for their fiery passion, French ladies for their chic elegance, and Russians for their warmth in even the coldest climates. But what about Polish women? Let's break down some common traits associated with Polish women and see what sets them apart.
Polish women(...) read more »
A total of PLN 25 bln (EUR 5.8 bln) have been accumulated by all 50 women listed by the Wprost weekly as the richest Polish women in 2018.
Although it is still seven times less than the richest woman on the planet Francoise Bettencourt Meyers is worth, the value is surely astounding for a(...) read more »
Guide to Proper Etiquette with Polish Women
This article serves as a short guide to proper etiquette when meeting or dating a Polish woman for the first time. It may also be helpful for those visiting Poland or interacting with Polish friends. To learn more about Polish customs, check out related(...) read more »
- Research indicates that Polish women are more likely to engage in riskier sexual behaviors after moving to the UK - The study shows they are three times more likely to exchange sexual favors - It also reveals that 40% of respondents reported experiencing significant stress.
According to recent (...) read more »