About Marilyn, the Polish
from Warszawa
Hello! Moment of truth... Well...my English is no good but I try...I learn Norwegian language-very intresting :-)
First...If You are divorce, if You have a children please don't hide it! Don't leave important massage until I get used to and I will lime You. I don't like lies and I don't want to feel an unpleasant surprises. Let's respect Your time.
Secondly...I'm a woman and I can devote but I must trust You. I can live everywhere. I will learn Your language and I can will find work.
Sometimes I like make dinner night...I wine and my kitchen. You don't have to like to cook, I like cook but sometimes I like to go out with friend to restaurant.
I like go to gym but I also like books and listen music.
I like healthy food.
I think I'm nice...
I am not boring.
I work in estate.
I need intelligent, normal and nice man.
I love read books. I like go gym, zumba and walks.