Mariolka1993, 24

About Mariolka1993, the Polish Girl from Lublin

Czesc! Jestem troche zwariowana, pelna dobrego poczucia humoru i pozytywnie nastawiona do wszystkich i wszystkiego. Jesli chcesz mnie poznac to napisz do mnie a dowiesz sie wiecej! Warto! ------------------------------------------------------- Hi! I'm a bit of crazy, full of good humour and positive attitude towards everything and everyone. If you want to know me then write to me and you will know a lot more! I'm worth it!
Photo of Polish Single ,'Mariolka1993', seeking men in other countries, lives in Poland  Lublin
Photo of 'Mariolka1993', Woman from Poland, seeking men in other countries, lives in Poland  Lublin
Photo of Polish Single ,'Mariolka1993', seeking men in other countries, lives in Poland  Lublin
Photo of 'Mariolka1993', Woman from Poland, seeking men in other countries, lives in Poland  Lublin
Photo of 'Mariolka1993', Woman from Poland, seeking men in other countries, lives in Poland  Lublin
I live in:
Lublin, Poland
I think I'm attractive
Hair color:
Long & Straight
Eye color:
Don't use
No tatoos
Intimate piercing
Marital status:
Do not have any
More children:
I think I would like some...
My job:
University some
Smoking habits:
I do not smoke at all
Won't say no
Spare time:
Do some sports
I'm just myself
Love is...:
It's the sense of life
Infidelity is...:
End of love
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