tori348, 24

About tori348, the Polish Girl from Cieszyn

Cześć jestem Wiktoria mam 21 lat pochodzę z Polski :) Jestem osobą uśmiechniętą trochę szaloną,kocham podróże moim marzeniem jest zwiedzić USA(Kanion),Hiszpanię oraz Włochy:) Uwielbiam śpiewać,śpiew i muzyka to jest coś co pomaga mi uciec od złych myśli. Hi I'm Victoria, I'm 18 come from Polish :) I am a person is often smiling a little crazy, I love traveling my dream is to visit the United States (Canyon), Spain and Italy :) I love to sing, singing and music is something that helps me get away from bad thoughts. I DONT HAVE WHATS APP AND SKYPE
Photo of Polish Single ,'tori348', seeking men in other countries, lives in Poland  Cieszyn
I live in:
Cieszyn, Poland
I think I'm attractive
Hair color:
Long & Straight
Eye color:
Don't use
No tatoos
No piercing
Marital status:
Do not have any
More children:
I really would like to have some
My job:
High School
Smoking habits:
I do not smoke at all
Im not fan of it
Spare time:
See a friend
Everyone around are different
Love is...:
It's the sense of life
Infidelity is...:
End of love
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