majola78, 32

About majola78, the Polish Girl from Czestochowa

vorrei sapere se in fondo esista una strada da percorrere.. alle volte ci credo altre no.. mi sembra noramel e forse capita a molti.. se in fondo anche tu ci credi .. allora..
Photo of 'majola78', Woman from Poland, lives in Poland  Czestochowa and seeks men
Photo of 'majola78', Woman from Poland, lives in Poland  Czestochowa and seeks men
I live in:
Czestochowa, Poland
I'm very attractive
Hair color:
Fair blond
Medium & Straight
Eye color:
Don't use
No tatoos
No piercing
Marital status:
Do not have any
More children:
I really would like to have some
My job:
University Graduate
Smoking habits:
I do not smoke at all
Won't say no
Spare time:
Do some sports
I'm just myself
Love is...:
It's the sense of life
Infidelity is...:
True love forgives all
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