Butterfly, 29

About Butterfly, the Polish Girl from Częstochowa, Polska

I am not looking for husband and lover!!!!!!!!! So don't write me if you don't understand what I said ONLY! I am looking for someone who knows english and polish .... Who would want to teach me english. Perfect age of my teacher is 26-30
Photo of 'Butterfly', Polish Woman, seeking men from abroad, lives in Poland  Częstochowa, Polska
I live in:
Częstochowa, Polska, Poland
I do not feel attractive
Hair color:
Medium & Straight
Eye color:
Don't use
No tatoos
No piercing
Marital status:
1 child
Postgraduate Graduate
Smoking habits:
I do not smoke at all
Im not fan of it
Love is...:
There's no such a thing
Infidelity is...:
Unforgiven mistake
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